Help us keep contributing!
We are a platform for alumni and people in general to connect and support Universidad Simón Bolívar (Venezuela) through fundraising programs.
“Libros de Punta para una Biblioteca de Punta”: This program simplified the process of donating books to the USB, allowing the Libraries of both campuses to be updated. More than 1,000 copies (new and used) in good condition were donated to the USB Central Library and then to the Reading Rooms of the different degrees across the institution. The program began under the management of the Library Director until 2021, Prof. Alejandro Teruel.
Donation Challenge: Each year USB administrative units and departments are invited to send us their “needs and wants” in the form of projects using the AlumnUSB platform to achieve their fundraising goals and subsequently equip laboratories, computer rooms, classrooms, among many other USB needs. More than 30 projects have been funded in this way.