Pablo Hernandez

Pablo Hernandez Borges

Digital Marketing Team

Graduated from USB in Computer Engineer (Cohort 02), currently studying a PhD in Political Science at Texas Tech University. He was a lecturer of the Department of Social Sciences at the USB teaching freshmen students’ basic courses. During his undergraduate years, he participated in leadership positions as Student Representative at the University Assembly (2008-2010) and FONDESIBO (a student’s help fund), also served as President (deputy) at the Student Electoral Committee. During his graduate years, he has served as Student Representative at the Dean of Graduate Studies and as a Vocal (deputy) at the Student Electoral Committee. Collaborated with AlumnUSB on campus when a delivery is made, also records and broadcasts events of interest to USB alumni around the world.

Contact details

Experience in AlumnUSB:

Lubbock, TX

Digital Marketing

Public Relations

Event Broadcast

My Skills

I combine an engineering perspective with the social sciences, bringing unique sensibilities to AlumnUSB’s communication strategies.

Public Relations 0
Political Strategy 0
Social Analysis 0

Social Media